What Maryland deductions and credits does FileYourStateTaxes support this year?
FileYourStateTaxes puede ayudarte a reclamar deducciones, exenciones y créditos estatales para maximizar tu reembolso, incluyendo:
- Subtraction for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
- Pension exclusion (if you’re 65 years or older, or if you’re under 65 and previously qualified for the exclusion based on a permanent disability)
- Military retirement
- Public safety retirement
- Taxable Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits
- Interest income from obligations of the US or US possessions
- Two-income subtraction for married filing jointly taxpayers
- State and local Earned Income Tax credits (if you claimed the federal Earned Income Tax Credit)
- State Child Tax Credit (for children under 6)
- Senior Tax Credit
- State and local Poverty Level Credits
- Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
All subtractions and credits are subject to eligibility requirements.
IRS Direct File will help you claim the most common federal deductions and tax credits before you use FileYourStateTaxes, including:
- Earned Income Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Credit for Other Dependents
- Child and Dependent Care Credit
- Premium Tax Credit
- Saver’s Credit
- Credit for the Elderly and Disabled
- Student loan interest deduction
- Educator expenses deduction
- Health Savings Accounts